
The “Nomadic Ethics and Intercultural Dialogue Conference” is organized by the International Institute for the Study of Nomadic Civilizations under the auspices of UNESCO (IISNC), which is funded by the Participation Programme of UNESCO, in collaboration with the Ministry of Culture, Commission on Nomadic People, the National University of Mongolia, the Mongolian Anthropological Association and UNESCO. At the conference, 77 academics and scholars from 23 countries will discuss nomadic ethics and intercultural dialogue.

Keynote speakers

  • Dawn Chatty, Emerita Professor, University of Oxford
  • David Sneath, Professor, University of Cambridge


22-23 June 2023, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

The conference will be held with in-person meetings in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. There will be limited options for online participation on a special request basis. The primary conference language will be English.

For questions, contact:

For inquiries, please contact with Ariell Ahearn: and Byambabaatar Ichinkhorloo:, and also IISNC Secretariat:

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